Wednesday, July 17, 2019

West of the Ural Mountains

Next destination was Kazan where we wanted to get some seals replaced on the front axle.
This turned out to be harder than expected, as there are plenty of Land Cruisers around but only the newer versions. The Toyota dealerships we stopped at quoted us a delivery time of 30-40 days! 😵
So I ordered the part online myself and let it ship to mechanic in Novosibirsk. More on that in a later post...!
Definitely worth a visit in Kazan is the Temple of all Religions. A funky building which gets bigger and bigger by adding new halls for all kind of religions. There is even one for the pharaohs 😂 Looks like a never ending construction site, Sagrada Familia anyone? 😆

On we went and finally reached Asia 💪 In Yekaterinburg we met the Swiss couple in their Defender again. He is a retired dentist and the next morning I had lost a one month old filling and had to get an emergency dentist appointment... coincidence? 😉
The clinic was top notch, fancier than my own dentist at home and way cheaper 😂